Introducing Bondly…

6 min readSep 14, 2020


For us who use Decentralized Finance (DeFi) as a common term, we know it represents an enormous shift in how we transact with one another: borrowing money, exchanging currencies, how we view insurance, etc. While total assets involved in DeFi still seem to be increasing right now, there are various factors that will prevent us from growing further.

DeFi’s largest barriers for adoption

Interoperability — Right now Ethereum gas fees seem like they are always increasing and ETH 2.0 may still be 6 months or more away. We need the ability to make DeFi more accessible to individuals who can’t afford high gas prices per transaction and start including native blockchain assets that are stranded on other platforms.

Trust — Unfortunately our biggest issue is still trust. While none of us in crypto expect to know the identity of the other party, many of us just send funds to people we don’t know for vague promises of more wealth. In fact, the biggest type of fraud is still the “giveaway scam” which asks offer to send something back — but its only an offer, there is no guarantee. This is totally unsustainable.

What about doing business outside of crypto?

Ultimately, DeFi doesn’t keep going unless we create methods for non-crypto native businesses to integrate. While the community might approve sending crypto to each other without a safety in place, this will never work for 99% of online marketplaces.

So we need:

  • DeFi options on lower cost platforms
  • Trading across blockchains
  • Safer Transactions
  • More flexibility for peer to peer transactions
  • Easier methods for online marketplaces to integrate and use crypto

This is why we created Bondly.

Bondly is a brainchild of over 3 years of working in fintech digital escrow payments + love for native DeFi. Adding our cumulative 13 years of traditional financial services, 6 years of eCommerce marketing, 4 years of Ethereum blockchain development, we think this will be one of the most important next steps in DeFi.

What is Bondly?

Bondly is a trusted, transparent and portable swap protocol designed to make you into a marketplace.

Our family of trust-enabling, DeFi products are designed to be a part of your everyday buying and selling activities, giving you piece of mind for your next swap or online purchase.


Similar to Binance OTC Trading Portal but directly on-chain and can be sent via any chat app using different blockchains

Wallet to Wallet trustless Over the Counter (OTC) trades that are performed by signing a smart contract. Completely portable smart link can be sent via a chat app or on your favorite social media. It will first support all ERC-20 tokens and NFT (Ethereum) then eventually

With BSWAP you can:

  • Sell a large order of a low liquidity token with no risk of slippage
  • Become your own NFT marketplace by minting the token, setting your own price, then post to your social media for your audience to buy
  • Buy assets using Debit/Credit card (using our third party partner onramp)
  • Send smart link in Telegram to someone you know or your favorite group


Similar to Mooniswap but includes rewards token provided to Liquidity Providers on top of fee share

Interoperable Decentralized Exchange (DEX) thats easy to use and blockchain agnostic. Requires liquidity provider (LP) participants to pool assets for a portion of transaction fees along with rewards APY rewards. Our pricing engine will compare major cross chain swap options and will let you know the best one to use (even if its not us). Validation is done directly within your Web3 browser (with Metamask) or polkadot.js based Native Wallet.

With BOND DEX you can:

  • Trade native assets on Polkadot with USDC on Ethereum
  • Get recommendations on the cheapest bridge transaction path
  • Create your own asset pairs that otherwise might not exist


Similar to Paypal/AliPay Express Buyer Protection combined with with a simple UX like or Zircon

This is our most revolutionary product that we feel will have the largest impact to the eCommerce market.

PROTECT is decentralized escrow and buyer protection for customers of crypto friendly marketplaces.

  • Designed to replace all site specific crypto escrow products with an easy to use API and completely smart contract driven product. Marketplaces may still be in a ‘validator’ role for the marketplace transaction but now they don’t have direct access to funds. This mitigates misappropriation by the marketplace along with exit scamming
  • By participating in the Bondly network, marketplace vendors can represent themselves as BPROTECT ready and show their on-chain transaction history and successful Bondly enabled deals
  • BPROTECT will have a similar UX to Zapper.Fi that will pull this vendors on chain activity and history into one place across ethereum and our native substrate chain so you can see their status and history
  • Functions as a ‘Buyer Protection’ similar to most major marketplaces, where customers are protected by collateral within Bondly
  • First customers will be marketplaces that sell digital goods like Domain Names and In-Game items and that support crypto payments already. Existing domain name credentials and ownership will be wrapped in an NFT and swapped for requested crypto directly
  • Requires that the marketplace itself stakes Bondly collateral as well as each individual marketplace vendor
  • COMPLETELY UNDERCUTS the whole ‘fake review’ industry which is prominently used to inflate value on sites like

With BPROTECT you can

  • Give more trust to your buyers that you will provide the purchased asset in a timely fashion
  • As a buyer you can request sellers to use this method so you have more trust
  • Sell an asset via OTC that you do not have yet (e.g. waiting for vesting) by staking collateral in the Bondly network
  • Set up recurring payments from individuals to vendors that can deduct from your account every month, similar to a Netflix subscription completely crypto enabled

How does BOND PROTECT work?

For individual OTC Trades:

  • Seller stakes collateral and ensures the buyer will receive asset by a specified date or with a specific condition
  • If agreement is violated, collateral is forfeited and transferred to the buyer

For Marketplace Vendors:

  • Vendors stake collateral (earning staking rewards for doing so)
  • Should a vendor violate a sale condition (e.g. not deliver a good on time), BOND collateral is provided to buyers as compensation
  • Each sale is recorded on-chain for transparency
  • Vendors who provide extended positive service with a long term history are rewarded through our staking/LP rewards program

Bonding with Polkadot

As our ‘sibling’ projects Darwinia and Bifrost have realized, Polkadot and using Substrate represents a phenomenal step forward in interoperability.

It offers:

  • Total flexibility for building a cross asset non-custodial token bridge
  • Seamless integration of our partners/peer bridges between infrastructure
  • Built in network security
  • Efficient token standard indexing for every type of asset in every type of blockchain

We don’t have Digital Money without Bitcoin; We don’t have Smart Contracts and DeFi without Ethereum; We don’t have true interoperability without Polkadot and Substrate.

In a future article we will talk more about our Kusama testnet release.

Whats next for BONDLY?

BONDSWAP for Ethereum, the first formal product release, will be available soon (so hold off on your OTC transaction until then). This will include support for the Bondly staking program. Detailed roadmaps for the other products will be announced soon!

In the meantime we will be making additional articles (but not limited to) the following topics:

  • Our first BPROTECT marketplace customers
  • The BONDLY Liquidity Marketplace
  • Partnership Announcements
  • Team Details

Please join our community and sign up for the alpha! We are so excited to share more with you soon!






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